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LabVIEW Information

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    LabVIEW 2015
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I've been asked by my professor to create a VI that takes a .wav file and performs short-time Fourier transform on it. Here is the link to the VI. http://puu.sh/l8jLp/4cd3dcddb5.png http://puu.sh/l8kc7/14634e764e.png One issue is that I have two power spectrums because there is no power spectrum displayed from the Auto Power Spectrum VI (I do not know what went wrong there) so I created Power Spectrum 2, which did display the power spectrum. The next task for me is to perform some spectral analysis using the power spectrum and the spectrogram. Since the power spectrum displays sharp amplitude peaks, the professor wants me to create a histogram with frequency bins to hopefully create a smoother curve to actually see at which frequencies those peaks occur (for example, he told me to sum up all the amplitudes for a range of let's say 0-10 Hz, and then for 10-20 Hz, etc). Would you have any suggestion on how I can sum up the amplitude values on LabVIEW for a certain range? For the spectrogram, the professor mentioned that it is actually a 3D representation of the sound file, with color measuring the amplitude of the signal. However, the spectrogram on the front panel is only displayed in 2D with frequency and time as the axes. How can I extract let's say the amplitude values for a certain frequency in that spectrogram? Can LabVIEW do this? Thanks all! Here is an example of the .wav file. Notice that when it's run, nothing displays on the Power Spectrum even though the VI has no errors. Normal vesicular.wav
  2. I gave up on making a LabVIEW VI. Does anyone have a separate reliable program that converts an mp3 file to a wav file?
  3. OK I just installed Windows 10 through VirtualBox the other day and everything seems to be in working order.
  4. Hi all, Is there a VI that allows me to load an mp3 file, read the mp3 file, convert it to a .wav file, and then create the .wav file in the same directory? Thanks!
  5. Where did you download the mac version? i can't seem to find the actual download page on the NI site.
  6. i tried both command keys on the mac...to no avail
  7. Does anyone else have the problem where you cannot use the LabVIEW shortcut keys on the virtual machine?
  8. I am setting up the virtual machine right now and I am new to it. VirtualBox gave me several 'hard disk file type' options (virtual box disk image, virtual machine disk, virtual hard disk, parallels hard disk, QEMU enhanced disk, or QCOW - QEMU Copy-on-Write). Then I had the option to choose a dynamically allocated hard disk file (will only use space on my physical hard disk file as it fills up, up to a maximum fixed size, and it will not shrink automatically when space on it is freed) or a fixed size hard disk file (which may take longer to create on some systems but is faster to use). I am only using the virtual machine for the purpose of using LabVIEW on Windows and not much more than that. Which of the above options should I choose? In addition, how much memory (RAM) should I allocate to the virtual machine?
  9. I am forgoing the option to dual boot Windows on my Mac so performance is not affected. Rather, I am looking for a reliable virtual machine that LabVIEW performs the best on.
  10. I just started using LabVIEW three months ago for my class so I know there may be problems with the Mac version of LabVIEW so I would prefer to download the Windows version. What would be the best way to get it on my MacBook Pro? Thanks a lot!
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