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Everything posted by jaehongyoon

  1. I solved the problem by using general histogram.
  2. Hi, Im trying to calculate kullback-leibler divergence with LabVIEW. The following equation is the definition of Kullback-Leibler divergence. Im currently using "probability distribution function estimation" to do this job. Problem I'm facing is that 1) estimated PDF gives only axis values (probability values not available) 2) since the distance requires integral between to PDF functions, summation would not work if two functions are under different range. For example, according to my code default values, since both PDFs (please refer to the graph) are on different range, direct multiplication and summation of cells cannot be performed. Is there ways to solve both problems? Thank you and have a wonderful day.
  3. Hi, I'm trying matrix square root and schur decomposition in LabVIEW. I've found the functions provided but somehow the values calculated does not match with Matlab version. Since precision of my values are around e-16~e-18 I know the precision matters significantly and have matched the input values for both LabVIEW and Matlab. The difference is quite dramatic. Please let me know if there is anyway to exactly convert Schur decomposition and matrix square root of Matlab into LabVIEW (even if I use math script the values are different, and have no idea with this). Thank you.
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