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LabVIEW Information

  • Version
    LabVIEW 2014
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Mojito's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi all, I've been maintaining and improving a LabVIEW project which controls and automates a prototype microscope array for 2 years. I'm an engineering apprentice so I don't have that much experience with LabVIEW. The current framework of the project is a simple "Producer/Consumer" which has served well but is no longer future proof and scalable. I want to revamp the program which is quite big and complex. And I need help since this will be the first time of actually starting a real project from the ground up. The most modular and scalable framework I found was the QMH (Queued Message Handler). It's similar to the basic P/C loop and has the possibility to have multiple parallel consumer loops. But I have no experience on starting from 0. If any you have docs or give advice on starting the project would be appreciated. Especially something on codding with a QMH structure would be helpful. Cheers from France!
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