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Everything posted by Lori

  1. That did it George! Thanks!
  2. I have LabView 8.0 with a good sized app. I've tried all the suggestions in the prior posts to get rid of the "insane errors" that suddenly cropped up. Nothing has helped. I've tried removing newer components, rewiring, and opening the VI on another computer, saving it and trying again from mine. I created the VI on the demo 8 since we hadn't gotten our licenses yet and then upgraded to the licensed 8. The insane errors started when I was still on the demo. The "insane" error are of a graphic nature, but there is nothing else to suggest what might be causing them. How does one get rid of these "insane errors"? I have a lot of them and closing out all the windows is a pain, not to mention I am unable to make an exe because of them. It would be nice if NI would just list them all in one window instead of popping up a window for each one and point out the bad component.
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