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Everything posted by sweenski

  1. This program will be used to determine the oxidation rate of a metallic sample at elevated temperatures in terms of weight change per unit of time. The program receives 2 channels of analog input. The first channel is a mass from a Cahn microbalance in terms of millivolts. The second channel is a voltage also in millivolts from a K type thermocouple that can be converted to a temperature in degrees C. The temperature is mostly recorded to make sure it remains constant for the whole duration of the test. The idea behind the user imputed time interval is that if the rate of oxidation is in terms of minutes as opposed to hours, then sampling every 5 seconds would be helpful. If the test duration was 12 hours then the sampling could be done every few minutes or so. This is not entirely necessary, I am at liberty to set the time duration for each test so I could run all tests the same. For example, all durations could 12 hours with a sampling rate of 30 seconds. At this point, I don
  2. I am a first time LabVIEW user and am trying to learn as I go along. I need to write a data aquisition program that will read 2 analog channels simultaneously at a user inputted interval and write that data to a file preferrably with some sort of timestamp. I need it to run continuously until stopped by the user. I've managed to write a small program that will acquire the necessary data and write it to a file one time without the timestamp. Any attempts I have made to make it loop or run continuously have resulted in memory overflows and other errors. I have attached the part that I have that works (minus a timestamp). The far right hand part of the block diagram is what I have been attempting to loop. Any comments or suggestions are welcome. I would really like to keep the program as simple as possible but I fear I am making things more difficult than they need to be. Download File:post-5626-1154964905.vi
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