Omar, thanks for the suggestion but I don't think that'll work for me. I want to clear my front panel indicators but leave my front panel controls with their current values. I think the VI property you suggest clears everything, both indicators and controls.
Michael, your method is interesting. Didn't know it existed! However, I can't seem to create a valid reference for the Panel property node, always get the invalid object reference error when I run it (any suggestions because I like the sound of this technique?). However, if I use your suggestion but use a Pane property node I can get this to work along the lines that you suggest.
To achieve what I want to date I've been using either of two similar methods, one based on the invoke nodes Contol Value: Get All [Flattened] and Contol Value: Set [Flattened], and the other based on the invoke nodes Contol Value: Get All [Variant] and Contol Value: Set [Variant]. These both give me the ability to return only indicator information and hence set only indicator values. Each has a potential problem though.
The variant method returns no type descriptors. This means I have to adopt an ugly, brute force, inefficient approach. I have string and Boolean indicators that I want to clear. So I set ALL these indicators to an empty string then set ALL these indicators to a Boolean false. This works but of course generates errors: you can't set a string indicator to a Boolean false nor a Boolean indicator to an empty string. To avoid seeing the errors I break the error cluster wire appropriately and disable the sub-VI's automatic error handling. Yuck!
The flattened method does return type descriptors. This means that I can see what type (string, Boolean etc.) the indicator is then clear it (set it to its default value) appropriately. What worries me here though is what if one day NI decide to change/re-assign LabVIEW's type descriptor values? My code won't work. Are the type descriptors liable to change or are they set in stone?
Regards, Graeme.