ZITAT(SteveL @ Oct 10 2006, 10:39 AM)
hi, i know the problem, i guess it depends on the input circuit of the 600x (see http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/371303e.pdf page 10) compare with http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/371022g.pdf page 37;
a workaround to connect the lm35 to the 6009 would be to use an external power source like battery or other dc power supply.
i did that with a patery pack like http://www.mercateo.com/p/115-970332/Batte...XLR03_AAA_.html (~1,50€)
4 AAA (6V) are ok for the LM35 (supply voltage acording to the data sheet 4 - 30V)
with this configuration you can use the differential mode to measure the temperature.
Bat+ connect to +Vs
Bat- connect to GND and AI4
Output connect to AI0
I am sure there is a better solution, but at least it works ;-)
cheers thomas