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Mark Balla

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Status Updates posted by Mark Balla

  1. At the traditional Grandrapids Griffins game with the family.

  2. At Wisconsin NITS catching up with all my Wisconsin Labview buddies.

  3. Back in Michigan for family weekend 2. Heading to Frankfort to connect with my wifes side.

  4. Back to sweet home Chicago. Sadly the greatest week of the summer is over.

  5. Broadcast to all CLAs in Austin. Meeting in the lobby of the hampton at 7. Then Bar be queue for dinner.

  6. Built a camera stand for my droid x. Now I can video tape the presentations instead of having to take notes… (cont) http://deck.ly/~whncD

  7. Christopher Relf: Only a ninja can sneak up on another ninja!Original Facebook Status: http://www.facebook.c… (cont) http://deck.ly/~I7QfV

  8. Come to the far side exhibit hall 2 to get on the bus

  9. Congratulations John! You were the first one to have submitted and approved code in the LAVA 2.0 Code Repository with Ping dotNET.

  10. Day 1 of First Robotics Competition complete. We past inspection and competed in one practice match. Still some work to do but sill awesome

  11. Day 3 of the Milwaukee regional. Dean Kamen is here. It's going to be an awesome day

  12. Driving home from ohare leg 1 of the journey complete. Now on to the fun parts. Gurus and robots.

  13. Fall pumpkin picture contest. Must include a loved one or friend with pumpkin. Biggest one wins. #pumpkinpicture http://yfrog.com/bhtp7qj

  14. Family is in austin with me heading to the pool with the girls.

  15. First day off the mid west First Robotics Competition competition. Let's see if we can get our robot to do what it's supposed to do.

  16. First soccer game of the year for youngest. She got a goal and out runs everyone.

  17. Folding a ton of laundry while watching the super bowl. #twobirdsonestone

    1. Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden


      Hmmm makes me wonder if you had been waving the towel instead of folding...

  18. FRC is hard fun. Teamed up with a mechanically strong team and they are doing the minibot and arm. We're doing the drive, sensors, program.

  19. Friday fondue with the family at the melting pot no soccer in the morning so we can sleep in. Life is good

  20. Fueled up, Fired up, Tagged and Tired. Must be the first day of #NIweek

  21. Fun busy 16 hour day. Built robot, roller skate, wire robot, play cards,

  22. Getting on the bus for the #NIweek party

  23. Going back home for turkey day all. I will be home tuesday through friday. Any of my home town friends have time to meet up?

  24. Going to my Grandmothers 90th birthday party. Looking forward to celebrating family.

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