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Palanivel Thiruvenkadam

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    LabVIEW 2015
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  1. Just few Tips on your Coding, 1. Indicator of Goal Keeper Score and Player Score should be of Same data as you Init (Int) 1. 2. Make sure you Avoid Wire Bends in all possible places. 3. Label for all Constant Values. 4. Your Code should be readable and scalable for future updates.
  2. Use Boolean Array to Number Function, where you will get 0 if nothing is true and 1 if first element of array is true and 2 if second element of array is True and 3 if all two elements are true. Use case structure and based on 1/2 display Message.
  3. You want to display once it reaches 10 or or every shoot you need to display?
  4. If you wanted to append running data to table, just use Property Node (value) for Table (Read Existing Table Value and Append the run time value). For Message use Case Selector and update Goal Keeper/Player inputs.
  5. Though it seems to be homework program, I have Modified your code to support your requirement. Please do go through the code and understand, don't just use and complete your task,if it resolves your issue. ShootingGame.vi
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