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  1. Dear all-oopers, So National Instruments have joined the party with LVOOP(8.20) it would be really useful to have a succint appraisal of all the OOPs that currently exists - I now know of 5: Endevo GOOP Sciware GOOP developer tool - using OpenGOOP I believe the orginal OpenGOOP Labview 8.20 OOP (LVOOP) dqGOOP There have been discussions recently about how LVOOP doesn't do calls by reference, only object calls by value , and a degree of reasoned argument from NI as to why this is. This particular issue seems to drive away my friends the OO programmers so it would be useful to know which of the other OOPS support this OO feature, amongst others. I guess I am looking for someone who knows this field to summarise which features are supported in which OOP - (call by ref/value, inheritance, overriding, etc) and what are the particularly good features of each of the OOP approaches. cheers Kurt Haselwimmer
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