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Srinivas Iyer

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Everything posted by Srinivas Iyer

  1. Hello, I am trying to do the following (LabVIEW2019, TestStand2019, Windows 10) Create a new sub-property under RunState.Engine.TemporaryGlobals as Measurements.TestName_DateTimeStamp My TS expression: //get a handle to runstate.engine.temporaryglobals Locals.tmp_prop_object = RunState.Engine.TemporaryGlobals, //create a new obj ref type property under this Locals.tmp_prop_object.AsPropertyObject.NewSubProperty(Locals.name1, PropValType_Reference, False, "",0), where Locals.name1 is Measurements.TestName_DateTimeStamp (e.g: RunState.Engine.TemporaryGlobals.Measurements.RxGain12_16_58AM) I now want to assign a LabVIEW class object to this property as: RunState.Engine.TemporaryGlobals.Measurements.RxGain12_16_58AM = Locals.tmp_obj_ref where Locals.tmp_obj_ref is the output terminal of a LabVIEW class and tmp_obj_ref is a TestStand variable of type Object Reference If I do it like this in the expression window, I can see that my RunState.Engine.TemporaryGlobals.RxGain12_16_58AM has been assigned a LabVIEW class object However, the value RxGain12_16_58AM is known to me only at run-time, so I cannot hard-code the assignment expression as above. Any pointers on how to achieve this? Basically if, Locals.name = "RxGain12_16_58AM" (created at run-time) then i want to be able to assign, during run-time: RunState.Engine.TemporaryGlobals.RxGain12_16_58AM = Locals.tmp_obj_ref
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