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Dániel Füleki

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    LabVIEW 2018
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  1. Thanks. I was looking for a built-in solution but it seems that there isn't. Good to know. Thanks again for your help.
  2. Dear Francois, thank you very much for your answer. Running on CompactRIO in silent mode (without front panel) was successful and saving the results to the storage of the cRIO worked too. Btw, is there any possibility to save the report files to the PC?
  3. Dear Francois, we tried to use the Caraya on our RT target (cRIO) based on your instructions. It kind of worked but we found some issues. This is what we see after applying your code changes. It seems that Caraya is able to execute the tests because a summary is shown in the GUI (number of tests passed and failed). The problems are: Details are not available (compared to the desktop mode). When we try to generate a report, an error is thrown, the cRIO freezes and it needs to be restarted. Is there a workaround for these issues? Is it possible to run Caraya "headless" (without a GUI)? Best Regards, Dániel Füleki
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