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Aniket Gadekar

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Everything posted by Aniket Gadekar

  1. Hello Network, I am writing array of timestamp in TDMS file. "TDMS Write.vi" generates an error after calling this VI as follows. Group Name = "DUT T1" Channel Names = "DUT T1_Time" Please let me know if anyone has any suggestions. BR Aniket
  2. Hi FrankHS, May be you can monitor error outputs of read & write UDP VI's & log error. You can monitor error & analyze.
  3. You are welcome Neil.
  4. Thank you for your kind attention & valuable time. I checked this functionality, In this you are using Queued message handler to request for read/write. I thing it will increase latency to read/write variable if there are many request. We never know how many times developer will call read/write operation. So instead, I obtained reference directly without any message request. And VI Register uses implementation similar to FGV, which i tried to avoid. This toolkit strictly not used for Read-Modify-Write operations, Since each feature can have pros-cons. Again, Thank you for your time. Please let me know if you have any improvement suggestions.
  5. Thank you for your attention & time. I think using variant data type you can read/write any data type. Also, Most of the users are still using LV2015 so i kept this code in 2018. I tried to avoid FGV in this feature/toolkit due to some limitation of it. If you wanted to load/read variables from file you can develop that logic outside. I think obtaining queue/notifier reference, set value & close reference for 100 times is much cheaper than calling FGV 100 times. I saw your "Variant Repository" and it was nice, But each time you have to connect wire and pass data in subVI's, to perform read/write operation. Where as in my toolkit you don't have to at all. Again, this feature can store large data also and can be accessed by Named reference. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
  6. Hi, I wanted to share this tool also on LAVA. This above mentioned post is posted by me.
  7. Hello Everyone, I have created this feature to create named variables of any data type in memory and access its value from any part of data code which is under same scope using its name. This variables stores instantaneous value. Best use case of this toolkit is acquire data set variable values & read from any loop. Do not use for Read-Modify-Write Once variables are created in memory, you can be grouped them and access its values using names. You can create variable for any data datatype & access its value using its Name. I have tested this toolkit for memory & performance, which is much faster than CVT & Tag Bus Library Please check and let me know your suggestions. use LabVIEW 15 sp1 BR, Aniket Gadekar, aniket99.gadekar@gmail.com DataVariableToolkit.zip
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