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Everything posted by jfalvarez
Hello i2dx. In these moments I am trying to create the installer of my database application, but when I execute it appears me the message of error "the database file does not exist!" does error number 5012, that way should carry out my installer and where I should locate the file of my database? Thank you.
Thank you i2dx this is exactly what needed and in any thing that I can help you, don't doubt to request it to me. You have for always a Colombian grateful friend.
Hi i2dx. I have labview 8.0 and i can't open the file that you send me, can you change the version of this file? Thanks.
Hi i2dx, I can't open it because i have Labview 8.0, can you help me change the version of the archive? Thanks.
Man look If he finds the code that I attach a copy of a task I would like him to tell it to me in my face. I have already had experience during all my career with labview, also to make clarity I am no longer any student, for their information I am ELECTRONIC ENGINEER not meaning that to be professional I have to be an erudite in the database topic, for the opposite it is first experience that I have with them and thanks to i2dx I have had a great advance in the knowledge of databases. I suggest to you and I request the favor to you that before making asseverations of this type; it verifies in decent way who is who. Suddenly in a future I can serve you in something that you need and you that I will make it with a lot of pleasure. And if for something I have been distinguished in the life it is to be right in my professional things, and when I have to look for help like it is the case I make it without any fear. Thank you. Download File:post-6467-1160971350.vi
Then because you don't help me instead of criticizing what I need. thank you :question: :question: :question:
Forgive me clerf, but this it is a direct question for i2dx, I believe that be clear.
Don't worry i2dx. I don't want that you make me the code, the only thing that I request you is an example. For example in to example ado-bsp_2 you use a database and (adobsp.mdb) inside her you have a series of data, the only thing that I want to learn how to make is as to consult a column of a database from a contron string and to visualize the result of the consultation in an indicator string. It would value your help a lot since it is of supreme importance for the finalization of my project, and I swear you that I don't bother you but with this topic. And thank you for your previous help since turned on a very important light to advance the code that I am developing.
Appreciated i2dx. I know perfectly that I am beginning to know on databases, it is possible that I have abused of your knowledge, but if I had the opportunity to share my knowledge for a person that needs it with a lot of pleasure I would make it, as well as to you you are facilitated this topic to my they are facilitated others that would be you in a future. I would like you to help me in what I need and maybe I could help you in electronics that is my specialty.
Hello i2dx. Of my previous consultation I wanted to make some explanations that it is what I am needing. I want to make kind of a consultation form where I can write in a string control a date inside a column of one of the table of my database and the program looks for that date and it shows it in a string indicator, for example a first name, a last name or a number of identification and when I make it it shows the results associated to this entered date. Thanks.
Hi i2dx How can I carry out a code where one can make a consultation of a database in LabView? Thanks.
Hello i2dx. I have a technical question and a doubt with your example ado-bsp_03. The technical question consists in: How can I carry out a code where one can make a consultation of a database in LabView? The doubt that I have with your example ado-bsp_03 is that when I try to open it in labview, this requests me a libraries which are: - ADOTool_Access_BinData Array to Hex String.vi - ADOTool_Access_poly_1D SGL Array to HEX String.vi - ADOTool_Access_HEX String to BinData Array.vi - ADOTool_Access_HEX-String2 1D SGL Array.vi Really, me not you if the libraries that I mention lack in your ADO-Tool and if it is could you publish this way them in the forum; or do these libraries make part of another tool?. Already attempt both versions of your examples that you published opening up. Thank you for your patience and I value your help a lot.
I2dx Thanks so much, your help is very important for me.
Hello Id2k. In your example ado-bsp_02 I try to make some modifications that were coupled with my current necessities I don't really understand much of databases but I try to make the best thing possible with unfortunate been for that when I execute my application it leaves the error code -2147217900, I don't really know where is possibly my error in the code and in the database that I carry out. I please request you help me since it is high-priority for my to conclude my project; for that only makes me lack to enter this code portion to conclude my program in LabView. If you are so kind you correct me my errors and this way to be able to finish with my problems. Many thank you. Hello Id2x. In your example ado-bsp_02 I try to make some modifications that were coupled with my current necessities I don't really understand much of databases but I try to make the best thing possible with unfortunate been for that when I execute my application it leaves the error code -2147217900, I don't really know where is possibly my error in the code and in the database that I carry out. I please request you help me since it is high-priority for my to conclude my project; for that only makes me lack to enter this code portion to conclude my program in LabView. If you are so kind you correct me my errors and this way to be able to finish with my problems. Many thank you. Download File:post-6467-1160719717.zip Download File:post-6467-1160720308.zip
Hi Id2x At the moment I am making a small project connecting an optoelectronic device by means of the protocol rs232 in labview, which makes software is to capture different times in a numerical array, which I have not been able to do is to send this numerical array to a data base developed by means of MS Access. Can you help me with an example of this? Thanks for your help.