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Everything posted by mooner

  1. Yes you are right.Tks so mush!
  2. Can anyone tell me how to tune out the first VI missing selection? Or explain to me how I can hide the options in the red box?
  3. I'm having problems again and now I like to come here for help. I'm currently doing something about 3D measurements and this is something I'm not familiar with. My question is how to fit a plane using multiple coordinates and calculate the distance from any point to the plane?Is there a corresponding module and example for LabVIEW? I don't want to use a third party tool, that costs too much
  4. Sorry it's been so long! I'm not sure what the problem is with this one. This source code was given to me by someone else. Then I made a new copy of it and I don't have this problem anymore. Anyway, this is not a typical problem, so please ignore it. Thanks to Rolf for his patience in answering this question, it more or less taught me something.
  5. I have installed win10 in a virtual machine and the development environment is LabVIEW 2018, when I finish coding and ready to package to generate EXE file it reports an error. Can anyone give me some hints as to why this is? (The program works fine in the development environment. DAQNavi.dll, this is an io card related DLL, I have installed his driver)
  6. I have a very large array and need to get data with row indexes 0, 3, 6, 9 ...... to form a new array. Attached is my current code (LabVIEW2021) and I find the runtime a bit slow. Is there a faster way to do this? demo.vi
  7. @Rolf Kalbermatter@MikaelH Thank you both for your suggestions. I'm not sure at the moment if this dll is thread-safe as there is no documentation on it. I'm using the UI thread to run it for now to be on the safe side.
  8. Thanks for the heads up! Indeed the program was running with a memory leak. My code also needs to call the function where the DLL frees the memory. I tested it and the modified program does avoid the memory leak problem.
  9. Thank you very much for your reply. After your guidance, I re-learned the use of "MoveBlock" and found that this function is indeed a very powerful thing, and I have solved my problem by using it so far. Attached is a screenshot of my code, thanks again!
  10. Thank you, your explanation is very clear. I have solved my problem so far and the solution is basically the same as you said.
  11. How does LabVIEW get an image in memory. The pointer to the image in memory and the width of the image as well as the height are known. Which function should I call? Attached is a DLL prototype that outputs the pointer and size of the picture. I need to call the DLL to get the picture
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