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  1. Hi Dears ..thanks for all your tips I have tried JohnS example , thanks ... f(t)=a*sin(2*pi*f*t) f=130 roughly c8 on he organ keyboard continous time =10000 i don't know what is wrong here , when i want to change the values exp. frequency ...it doesn't change the sound . Reagrds Download File:post-6517-1161117539.vi
  2. hi dears I'm new to labview how can i integrate this matlab code to labview I want to create a flute tone using labview ...Please any idea's about sound and music will be great. with best regards to u all . s = 44100; % sample rate T = 1/fs; % sample period t = [0:T:2.0]; % signal duration (seconds) fm = 4; % modulation frequency fc = 440; % carrier frequency % A en m zijn afvallende e-machten y(t)=exp(-t/iau) A = 0.9*exp(-0.001/0.1); % unmodulated carrier amplitude m = 0.7; % modulation index % modulation signal xm = m * A * sin(2*pi*fm*t); % amplutide modulation xc = (A + xm) .* sin(2*pi*fc*t); % ring modulation %xc = xm .* sin(2*pi*fc*t); subplot(2, 1, 1) plot(t, xc) xlabel('Time (seconds)') ylabel('Amplitude'); axis([0, 0.2, -1.6, 1.6]); % zoom in display subplot(2, 1, 2) N = length(t); % N = length of fft f = [0:N-1] * fs / (N-1); % frequency vector X = abs(fft(xc)) / N; plot(f, X); xlabel('Frequency (Hertz)'); ylabel('Magnitude Gain'); axis([0,1000,0,max(X)]); % zoom in display grid sound(xc,fs)
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