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  1. Thx Chris for you help, it's working now :thumbup: I have just a litle problem, I have an object like checkerboard, and I track the black box (100 box), I need to have their coordinate, in array or some thing like that, but it's give me just one ROI's coordinate! di you have an idea to do that?
  2. I have many functions in Vision and Motion, I always look in the help, to understand what all function do, but I don't know which one must be combine to obtain what I want
  3. Thank you Chris, I have an IMAQ 1411 card, and I tried do make some thing but without result, I can snap, grab ou acquire image but I can not track ROI in motion!!! I don't know wich function I should use??!! :headbang: see in attached files a screen shot of what i did or what i want to do.
  4. hi every body... I am new user of Labview, I have a projet to do in Coventry University. I want to track a Region Of Interest(for example: rectangle) and have his coordinate when I move it. I can now snap, grab or have sequence of images but I can not track the motion I need help, please can some body help me? thx :worship: Mimir
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