Hello LAVA users !
Here is an architect question:
I need to control / read 4 devices with a CAN bus.
Each devices have 4 frames to watch (1 to command the device, and 3 to read)
Actually, I have already some code, which open a "reference" for each frames, and use Occurence to wait for a new frame to read.
If I'm using this code, I will have 4x4 = 16 "threads" (parallel loops in LabVIEW).
Do you think guys, is it a good idea to have so much "threads", knowing that I will have 2 or 3 for the GUI + 1 or 2 for ANA + 1 or 2 for DIO...
Which makes something like 22 threads !!!!
I know (by theory, I've never done that, yet) that CAN is like RS232, I can have a write thread, a read thread, and an analyser thread (the read send to the analyser by Fifo !).
Which solution looks better ???
The first one: almost no new coding, but too many threads perhaps ?
The second one: All the coding to do, but less threads and then less CPU, less memory, ...
What do you think ?