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  1. Hereby my class: It's a lv7.1 class so you have to convert it to 8.5 or 8.2 first. Cheers, AdDownload File:post-6839-1190844865.zip
  2. QUOTE(MikaelH @ Sep 24 2007, 01:39 AM) Hello Mikael, I hope this updates will make the conversion go much faster! This is one (out of about 40) of the smalest classes i have. If i have to convert them all like this i need a whole year for it. Greetings, Ad
  3. QUOTE(Jan Klasson @ Aug 23 2007, 10:10 AM) Hello Jan, I am a great fan of your GOOP toolkit, but i have troubles with converting my GOOP2 to GOOP3 in LV8.2 and also in LV8.5. The first try stoped at state "CloseRefs" and my 2e try stopped at "UpdateAllCallParentMethods". Is this a known issue? http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_09_2007/post-6839-1190581903.gif' target="_blank">
  4. QUOTE(yen @ Jun 10 2007, 08:10 PM) A better (win 2000,XP) link: http://www.dx21.com/SCRIPTING/RUNDLL32/INF.ASP
  5. Hi, I try to create an installer with a aditional .inf files to install after running the labview installation code. Does anyone know how to do this? The only thing i can find is adding a .bat or .exe file (but how can i execute the .inf file in a .bat file?).
  6. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Apr 21 2007, 02:17 PM) Yes ! Thank you very mutch. :thumbup:
  7. Hello, I am trying out the treeview in labview 7.1 and can't get back the "Child text" for a selected tag. Does anyone know if it's possible to get it back? http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5571 Thanks!
  8. QUOTE(BLG @ Mar 27 2007, 06:04 PM)
  9. Can you post this 4 vi's? Mass compiling doesn't help!
  10. I have an application with moe then 2000 vi's, when i want to update an enum typedef labview crashes! A work around is: open only the enum typedef, change and save it and after that open the big application.
  11. And now all your troubles are over :worship: , or do you still have problems, but less often ?
  12. Any news from IT ????
  13. I throw in another 10 pints of "Hoegaarden" beer for a solution (also for the IT guys!), so NI do something about it! Changing a wire or a control (=forcing a recompile!) sometimes helps, but what is causing this problem?
  14. Hello, We have labview 7.1 and 8.2 installed on a network share. With labview7.1 (or any other programm installed on this network share) we have no trouble at all, but when we work with lv8 we get a lot of "Generic file I/O error" messages when we want to save (a lot of) vi's to the network. IT also told me there is no problem with the network. After a few retry's most of the time saving does work. Is there anyone who has the same problem when using labviw8(.2)?
  15. Hi, I have the same problems. I know it's fixed in LV8, but we are still using 7.1. Is there already a LV7.1 bugfix/work around for this problem?
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