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Harris Hu

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Everything posted by Harris Hu

  1. My front panel doesn't always rule. For example, rounded corners。
  2. I want to make the front panel transparent according to the background color to remove the unwanted parts. When I set the windows behavior of the VI to floating, the program is OK. But when I set thewindows behavior of the VI to the modal, there is a transparent border, and it is not fully transparent. Is there any good solution? The VI of the test is in the test1.rar file. test1.rar
  3. The data in the sub-panel is always at the very top level when refreshed, I don't want that, what should I do? The picture below is a screenshot of me.
  4. As far as I know, if LABIEW and Siemens PLC transmit data through OPC, the structure can also be read. Maybe I need to understand how OPC does it.
  5. Yes,I can parse basic types like int, real, string,etc. But when I wanted to do the conversion of the struct directly, I ran into difficulties
  6. Through Siemens' S7 communication, I got some byte type data, but I didn't know how to convert these data into the corresponding structure data of labview. It is well known that the bool of struct in TIA occupies one bit, but the bool of struct in labview occupies one byte. Has anyone dealt with it?
  7. 有谁知道应该如何进行应用程序恢复?我希望应用程序在计算机突然关闭然后重新打开电源时恢复到断电之前的状态。
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