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  1. thanks for your answer, the problem is, i have tried this function, too. and there are some GPIB command, which used to check the status. like: *STB? oder *ESR? but the 4194a doenst understand all the commands...(strang isnt it?) like: if I use STB? (with gpib write) OR RST, and it does really what the command says. but if i use ESR? or ESE the 4194a just told me: "undefined symbol" or "commandsyntax error"(it shows me "commandsyntax error" every time, if i put a * before the commands) ths Status Byte should be 8-bit long. but the status answer form gpib write or Stat function returens always 16 Bit..... i have tried the whole time yestoday afternoon and nothing happens :headbang: please...help me :worship:
  2. so. this instrument has statusbyte b7-b0, and the B0 deals with "end of measurement", but i dont know how to check this B0 bit. I have tried with GPIB write and gpib read, also VIsa write and read, it doesnt really shows the status byte... please... help me..
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