The Device uses .dll's supplied by the manufacturer of the data logger.
This is our User Interface, All the property nodes are used to set up the relevant graphs, colours & scales of the graghs.
The problem is the bottom loop, We have set the default on the usb data logger to be 4 sensors.
We Init usb, open device id = 1, set up number of samples = 4, take readings/format array, output 4off reading, repeat from take reading stage.
While the data logger is retrieving data, the user interface controls bog down every second, for around 1/5 a second.
We tried added a delay of a second,to make sure that the logger only gets readings once every second.
We have tried the 'wait until next' 600ms in the attemt to let the temp logger work away when the time is there.
Temp Reading.VI
this VI takes the handle (id) of 1, sets up an array of 9 elements(8 for the max number of sensors, 1 for cold temp reference), overflow & units are default value's.
Time taken for 1 reading 200ms
Time taken for 4 reading 500ms
Time taken for 8 reading 900ms
No matter what we try, the data logger clogs up controls, is there no way to call .dll's within labview BUT not have the device operating WITHIN labview & still enable us to get reading back?
Hope makes it a little clearer!