You should not use option 0x8 with option 0x80 or 0x100. Or, more generally, you should not use option 0x8 anytime you are opening a strict VI reference. When opening a strict VI reference, a reentrant instance is returned automatically so 0x8 is pointless (and harmless). The 0x8 option is really only useful when used in conjunction with the Run VI method.
There were two problems with the original from mje.
Issue 1:
Option 0x40 was passed in. This option works for both the Async CBR and the normal CBR in a similar way. Passing 0x40 makes the reference returned be to the actual target VI and not a clone of the target VI. Then, when you perform a CBR or a Start Async Call, you actually call a clone. This can cause issues when doing things like showing a FP or embedding it into a subVI. The called VI is not the same as the VI reference.
When opeing a VI reference, if you do not pass in option 0x40 and you are opening a strict reference and the target VI is reentrant, the reference returned will be to a clone VI. This works the same whether or not 0x100 is passed in.
Issue 2:
The Start Async Call happend before inserting the VI reference into the sub panel. In this case, the asynchronously run VI runs to completion before being inserted into the sub panel. Inserting the sub panel then loads the FP of the target VI. Since the VI already ran, we end up with the default data and we end up seeing a message saying the VI had not run.
So, if you insert into the sub panel first, the FP will be loaded. Then, when you start an async call, the results will be remembered by the FP.
I attached a new version of that works.
More Info on Option 0x40:
Option 0x40 allows multiple synchronous calls with one reference.
ie: You open one reference to a reentrant VI with option 0x40. You then branch the wire and wire it to two CBR nodes. Each CBR node can execute a different reentrant instance of the target VI at the same time. If 0x40 was not passed, one CBR would run while the other blocked until it finished.
It works the same for the Async CBR other than the fact on the "Wait On Async Call" works. The Wait will return one of the calls that finished for that VI reference, but you do not necessarily know which one.
I attached "" and "" to demonstrate option 0x40.