I have finally written my first app in labview. I'm tired, sleepy, hungry, kinda stinky too... but all that aside, i'm almost done, i'm under budget, i'm under in time, and everyone is happy... Almost.
there's 1 thing I have left to do, reading though code, i have yet to figure out how.
here's the principal idea... i'm open to suggestions.
I have a "Front Page" VI were 'everything happens' (Test is prefomed, etc etc.)
On another tab I would like to create a area to "create a part". The idea is each part has different parameters. So i need an "Edit" type screen so that a user can create a new part, edit a part, or delete a part. This, isn't too terrible. I can handle most of these operations.. but now what i DO need is on the front panel...
I would like to use a Combo Box/ Ring Menu selector, or something to allow the user to select a "part". but, i need to populate this ring menu by the list of file names in a directory (Parts that were created by the user).
So, say for example bobby makes 5 parts, which in turn created 5 files.
I would like the VI to show in the ring menu selector or combo box "Part Test 1" ... "Tiny Part 5"...
just trying to figure out how to envolk something like this to happen when the VI loads.