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Everything posted by GerryS

  1. HI David (and all). This is my first post. Great forum, I've already found a ton of useful info. David, I enjoy the subtle humor you write in your posts! I want to take option D too, please ("It's your lucky day !!!! Someone has used this instrument and will send you some working code."). I purchased labview last week for the lab I work in as a chemist. I would really like to be able to control my MKS1179A Mass flow controllers using Labview. I have an MKS 647C Gas Flow Controller. It has RS232 communications. From what I read, you have created VI's from this already? Again, I would like to take option D too please! My email is Gerry.Szachara@BASF.COM Could you please send me the VI's and help me out? I'm ok using a PC and Labview for data acquisition, but I have no clue where to even start as far as control goes. I'm TOTALLY new to instrument control. Where can I start to learn? I especially want to be able to do your option C eventually (write my own code from a protocol document). But I have no clue where to start. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot. -Gerry -a small chemist trying to make it in a world of big chemists!
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