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Everything posted by evergood

  1. Thanks, will do.
  2. Hello I'm receiveing data form a linux pc over RS-232 about 12 times in 10 seconds. See RS-232_com_v1.vi (picture below) This data is coming out as a string. I'm going to use this data for "realtime" graphic and alarm monitoring. I want them presented as an array, for use in an already excisting program. My recived data looks like |2007-02-20 10:30:30 { 00.0260.043 { 10.0260.045 { 20.0260.044 ... Look her for a sample of a file: Data The Time and Date is not important at the moment. The first colums is the Channel the data is coming from, the second colums is a RMS value and the third colums is a Peak value. Want the array to be 3x16=48 rows big, so its will be easy to pick out the data. Would like the data in a form like this!!
  3. I changed the serial parameters form RTU to ASCII, this gives the change to see the signal like HEX in the HyperTerminal i windows. Then tried several setting until I got the right string in HyperTreminal. What i got out was 02030000003CBF (wanted: 02030000003C45E8), you can se that its the same until ...3C. The last 4 digits is the error check and found out that this not is the same in RTU and ASCII. (The error check is calculated from the content in the string.) More Modbus info: Modbus Then tested the signal against the slave C++ program and got 60 numbers in return (now with serial parameters set back to RTU)
  4. Problem solved
  5. Hello I'm going to ask a slave to send me some data from it's holding registers. I'm using Labview 8.2 and have the modbus pack for 8.2. I'm making a master program and want to send the following message 02,03,00,00,00,3c,45,e8 (HEX form) from the master to the slave. The slave program is made in C++ and can not be changed. The problem is that I'm not sure where to insert the variables in the labview program. Program code in the image below. Thanks for helping me Kris
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