When working with LabVIEW and Source Code Control, it quite often happens that vi:s need to be saved due to subvi recompilation.
Even if "Checkout Callers..." is checked, those vi:s are not always checked out by LabVIEW when the vi to be modified was checked out.
This is also happens when working with LabVIEW classes. Making a changes in one class makes may affect other classes.
To solve this when using Perforce as SCC, I checkout all vi:s (in Perforce), save all vi:s (in LabVIEW) and the "Revert Unchanged Files" (in Perforce).
When using Clearcase I havn't found an easy way to do this.
Why doesn't LabVIEW always know of which files to check out?
Any suggestions on how to make it more easy when working with LV/SCC?