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Everything posted by Moataz

  1. Moataz

    Hi there..

    Hello, Thanks Yen, Shrief for the sweet words, really I found that am inside a very nice and informative place, about something interesting in my DAQ apps, Yen. I think recently I faced a problem with xygraph cursor size. as I tried to resize the cursor to fit a specific area on the graph not be like an arrow with no end but it didn't, specially I tried all properties related to cursors and it also didn't do what I want. I think I have to try something from the bouncing cubes example for drawing my lines in a specific area inside the graph. Shrief, thanks again for your words, am happy that u r here, really el masryeen ahoma we nos kaman. Regards, Moataz
  2. Moataz

    Hi there..

    Hello, This is Moataz, am a software developer from Egypt, am developing firmware using C++ on PIC MCUs, am using LabView for developing DAQ applications related to Oilfield in general and am happy to be here. thanx.. Regards, Moataz
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