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  1. thanks a lot! I'm sure it will help! If i have any more trouble, i'll ask here.
  2. no, sorry, i work with 8-bit image.
  3. im working with greyscale....so... can it be done like something on this pic? I have connected flattened image data to an indexed array. But what about color table? http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x6/proyabun/sample.jpg
  4. thats great help! if only you could put names of those functions...some icons are not the same in labview6.1. thanx!
  5. ok, im new in labview. I have some problems dealing with pixmaps and images and i would be GREATFULL if someone could show me some tricks. I am using labview 6.1 for one project and i am having problems selecting certain pixels from one image [256*256]. The problem is - i dont know how to do it. I think i could make an array out of the image [pixels would be elements of that array, right?] but i dont know what information that array stores or how to see and process the information about one pixel's color.. What is the best way to do it? PLEASE help me, i have to finish this project ASAP! thanks in advance
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