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Everything posted by alvise

  1. Yes, I think it just solved one symptom. In general, the problem persists. I guess it has an effect on the slow streaming received.
  2. I set it as you said. I think you said it's safe for us to choose this as the UI thread. But Only for PlayM4.
  3. clever reasoning I was able to read the video now and it was extremely delayed. And the labview started to get heavy again. I think if I follow your previous suggestion (creating a parallel while loop), I will have solved this problem.(Does really adding all the playM4 calls to a parallel while loop fix the video slowdown and LabVIEW freezing?)
  4. I found. But I still don't understand how you solved this photo. saving to an image file and reading from the image file may cause some slowdown. What can be done as an alternative to this?
  5. I have to use the method here, right?
  6. Then you say that choosing "UI thread" for "Play4M" and "HCNetSDK.dll" makes more sense for now.
  7. hat did I forget? how did you do this?
  8. of course. Hikvision-labviewSDK-Test-v1.0.9.rar
  9. I removed the case structure you told me to remove and nothing is saved in the saved jpg file.
  10. I created something like below, but I don't understand how to save it only once. Because there are numbers of elements that come one after another, constantly changing.how do I know and save only one whole picture is taken.
  11. Thanks for the answer, as I said above, actually 1280x720 resolution is enough right now and making a correction in this way solved the problem. -Currently I'm just trying to save a jpeg array as a photo, but I can't find a clear solution. Currently I'm saving the data as binary using a method like below, but I'm struggling with how to save it as a jpeg.
  12. I set the resolution of the camera to 1280x720 and the problem was solved. I guess this was a problem because the data was too much. I'm trying to use the method you suggested earlier here but what do I need to do to save it as just one image. or is it just one image? I guess not.
  13. What if you switch all the HikVision and PlayM4 CLFNs from UI thread to any thread (yellow coloring)? rolf:If you set the Cal Library Node to "run in any thread" it will be executed in whatever thread the actual VI happens to execute at that moment. Unless you set the VI or one of its callers to execute explicitly in the UI thread, there is absolutely no chance that the Call Library Node will be executed in the UI thread. What I can briefly explain is that if I set it in the UI thread, I can run unsafe DLLs. But if I run it as "Any thread", I will run it in the unsuitable thread. This can cause problems .That's exactly what I don't know.
  14. Should I select all function nodes as Any thread?
  15. I read your previous post and set Everything to UI thread. But the problem is not solved. Labview runs slow when I use the event inspector window. But I guess there are too many events in the queue.
  16. I just created and tested something like below, but still, if I press the stream button once and the data starts to be received, when I press the "Stream" button again to stop the data flow, the stream does not stop immediately, but after a certain time it stops and I can stop the VI.
  17. Ok, I will follow what you said step by step. I guess I need to find the correct array size first because if I press the 'Stream' button, the VI ''pJpegSize'' does not allow pressing the 'stop' button until the specified array size is reached. Because the labVIEW becomes heavy. Therefore, I will try to find the right ''pJpegSize''first. I created a test with different values to find the array size, either I get error 34 or the problem I mentioned above occurs. Do you have any suggestions for finding the array size?
  18. Yes it's a big number The array fills the specified size. I can't close the VI unless the array is already finished with the specified size. labVIEW freezes. But I mean, the numbers don't change and that's why I only treated it as 1 image What do you think is the real solution here?
  19. How can we solve this? if i add the number ''20130528'' here I get an output like below but it's just outputting an image and labVIEW is getting heavy.
  20. Returns 2 values. But if I take a little long to get the stream it returns 34.
  21. Yes, interesting things one after the other However, there is such a function here. But I see that there are many dll files in SDKs. I think there must be an easy way somewhere.
  22. I tested but got a result like below.
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