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Everything posted by alvise

  1. I have no idea how to do this, if anyone guides me I can go step by step
  2. Although it is a different alternative for image processing, I don't want to deal with the callback function. But as far as I understand, there is no alternative way.
  3. It's definitely bad luck. I have no luck I don't believe my luck at all. I guess I'll have to tinker with the callback function again.
  4. I guess it only shows the picturebox itself and not the data inside
  5. I did as below and 2D picture image is not taken.
  6. What I'm really wondering is if we use the callback function, will it solve the Image display problem? -Because I don't know how to write the dll file that will make the callback function, I need to find a ready dll file. This situation is close to impossible. If I can find a piece of code that will work just fine, I can compile it here.
  7. Dadreamer, if you're talking about something like this, I tested it and couldn't get a picture. With get image, I get the image of the VI that I am trying to get the image from, everything works fine, but it does not get the image. If I take a numeric and change it on the viewing screen, the change is immediately visible on the 2D picture screen, but the camera image is not visible.
  8. The code is the same as here . I just added the example you shared.
  9. I tested this example you shared, if I use it with a VI with no display screen it's fine, everything works fine but when I try to use it with live video streaming it causes the display to be choppy and not capture the whole screen. I'm trying to do what Rolfk said, but I don't understand exactly how it can be done.
  10. I connected it, no error, but no picture either
  11. It gave the same error again.Using VI reference instead of picturebox won't work, right?I guess there is no other way.
  12. I tried something like the image below and now I don't get an error but I can't get the image either. It can only read the picture at the added address. I think you suggested the method used with VLC, I'm trying it right now, recording jpeg and reading it again later, but the display speed is quite low.Again, thanks for your suggestion.
  13. I started to understand some things, but not completely.Any ideas what to do now in this situation?
  14. There is no error but it is not in the picture. What I don't understand is if I use a case structure that runs when a number other than 0 comes up, I get this error.I think it's like this because it didn't get any stream from the picturebox
  15. In 2D picture, the image of the camera is not taken, if I add different while loops, it still does not solve the problem because it cannot read the video from the picturebox. If I press the quit button, I get an error as follows. The picturebox only works once and then there is no visible data exchange. Because of this, no picture can be taken from here. What I don't understand is how does this happen?
  16. As I understand from you, I made an arrangement like the one below, but I did not add the event structure to read the picture because the event structure only works once when the start button is pressed. But this shouldn't be a problem. Also, I can't read a picture from the picturebox at the moment, I'm just adding a picture to the picturebox. What is the reason for this? it tries to show the photo I added on the display screen (picturebox) and the image from the camera at the same time.I just want to convert the image in the picturebox to an IMAQ image
  17. In this example, I want to use the stream displayed in the pictureBox with IMAQ, but I can't get the picture from the picture box. I tried many ways, but I'm encountering problems. I've gone through the examples in the forum and tested, but haven't been able to find the exact solution.I read the discussion here, I did some tests, but I didn't get any results. In the examples here, I just added a picture to the Picturebox. I couldn't read the video from the Picturebox. I am getting an error like in the picture, what could be the reason? Can you help with this ? Get Image Data From PictureBox.vi
  18. It totally works. Thanks for your help. It was really confusing
  19. When I test it this way, it gives wrong results. wPanPos: Min=0 It is in the range of Max=360 degrees. But if I say go to 20 degrees, it goes to 13 degrees.
  20. Oh my god I didn't realize I added an empty VI I'm adding it again. By the way, am I going right with the method I added? WORD wPanPos; WORD wTiltPos; WORD wZoomPos; takes floating values. how do I do this As in the example, if I configure the Numeric control directly as float, it will not cause a problem, right? PTZ POS SET.vi
  21. I'm currently struggling with PTZ control and I haven't really figured out how to implement it. I have come to the final stage of this ip camera. Here it says that the LPVOID structure receives PTZ_POS information, but I don't know if I am giving it correctly. It wants as buffersize(byte) how these values should be given. I am controlling the zoom with the code below, but I think I made a mistake and the motors are making noise. Can someone help me before I burn the motors PTZ POS SET.vi
  22. I created it as you said, now I can get images from two channels at the same time. I turn it off and on every time, there is no problem. Of course, I don't know if there is still a problem.It detects two users at each login. Each user uses a different channel. Session values are based on one channel opening earlier than the other.login count 12-11/12-13 Your comment is important in this regard.If that's good I'll switch to PTZ control. 113624656_Hikvision-labviewSDK-v1.0.1.rar
  23. Sometimes when I can't remember the names of some jobs, I remember the names of the functions inside, I say it right away, it's not a problem because it's mostly clear what I mean I realize I have a lot more work to do since I'm trying to build an SDK exactly.I am aware of the mountain standing in front of me -Reading 2 channels of video from one ip address at the same time. -Using reading videos with NI-VISION. -Control the PTZ.
  24. for the dadreamer I took on what he said and created an example using System.windows.form and picturebox and it works too.I do not know if it is the right way. When I test the sample you sent, sometimes random numbers appear on the screen.What could be the reason for this? The camera I'm using right now has 2 channel video. I think there is a need for a callback when trying to read both channels at the same time. What I need is to use this image with IMAQdx afterwards. Really thanks for everything.
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