For a company conference I'm arranging a LabVIEW quiz like the TV-show Family Feud and I would very much appreciate your help to gather response material.
If you haven't seen the show, this is how it works in short:
Before the show, 100 people are asked a bunch of questions, like "Name a fruit"
The 100 people might then have answered:
Apple: 43
Orange: 22
Pineapple: 21
Banana: 14
On the show the team then have to guess what people answered. If they guess "Apple", they get 43 points etc.
I'm now looking for 100 people (or as many as I can find ) and have made a Google forms with 12 questions. The idea is not to think long and hard about the answers but write the first thing you think of and it might take about 3-5 minutes to answer all of them. If you would take some time to answer the questions I would very much appreciate it!
If anyone is interested I can share the results later on.
Thank you in advance!