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  1. :headbang: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problem Solved: :thumbup: : I solved the problem with a 3rd Party tool called: cURL --> is a command line tool: This tool have nice features. VI is posted BR Kohle
  2. THX for this hint, I will try it nice day thomas
  3. THX for Answer MikaelH I do this at the moment very similar. But you also do in your Block-diagram 1000 bytes to read - but you do not know how many byte you get from this request back and this is my main Problem. And if I set 10.000 bytes to read, then you use the time out function (because the TCP_read function is a "blocking" function) I hope you can understand what I mean (sorry for my poor English) nice day kohle
  4. Thank for your answer. I tried to do this with DataSocket Vi's. Now I don't know how I should do the POST State. Activity: 1.) Request to the Login screen --> there are Fields with Username and Passwort (i tested with dataSocket --> it works) 2.) From this request you get Parameters: _ViewState, SessionID 3.) Now i have to POST this Data and Username Password: Example: POST /(24lqx0asze5cjyztmmym2vn3)/eu_default.aspx HTTP/1.1 Host: wos.xxx.xx User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/ Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5 Accept-Language: de-de,de;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3 Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 Keep-Alive: 300 Connection: keep-alive Referer: http://wos.xxx.xx(24lqx0asze5cjyztmmym2vn3)/eu_default.aspx Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length:523 __VIEWSTATE=dDw2NjQxNjI3Njg7dDw7bDxpPDI%2BOz47bDx0PDtsPGk8MD47PjtsPHQ8O2w8aTwwPjtpPDI%2BO2k8ND47aTw 2Pjs%2BO2w8dDxwPHA8bDxUZXh0Oz47bDxBTk1FTERVTkc7Pj47Pjs7Pjt0PHA8cDxsPFRleHQ7PjtsPEJlbnV0emVybmFtZTs%2BP s%2BOzs%2BO3Q8cDxwPGw8VGV4dDs%2BO2w8UGFzc3dvcnQ7Pj47Pjs7Pjt0PHA8cDxsPFRleHQ7PjtsPEFubWVsZGVuOz4%2B Oz47Oz47Pj47Pj47Pj47PqvrANTwwZYLHc5dVU5UoU1HdDcA&Enduser_Loginform%3AUsername=u_name&Enduser_Loginform %3APassword=password&Enduser_Loginform%3Aloginform_submit=Anmelden&eu_checklogin=1&SessionID=94955664-36401868-18-36-17 After this POST i should get back the Password Protected content, but how can i do a POST with DataSocket Thank's a lot for Answers :headbang: Pic2= old one Pic3= new one
  5. Dear Forum, I want to automation a request to a Website. The website is Password protected and its technology is aspx. I surfed a lot in the internet but did not find a finished work **g**. So therefore i try it by myself (even thou I am a beginner) My first way was to analyse the traffic if I connect the password protected Website. So far so good. Now I try to reverse engineering this Protocol. Now I have some code and it works. But I have Performance Problems. Every Sequence takes about 5 seconds and after 8 Sequences one complete request needs about 40 sec. Now my question: How can I read the content from a website? My big Problem is that I do not know the content length from every request therefore I have no value for the "Byte to Read" (TCP_READ). And if I use the "Time Out" function, I have to wait every request for five or more seconds. I hope anybody can help me to solve this problem. For a better understanding I add a Picture. THX :headbang:
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