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Posts posted by Cat

  1. Yes, please, move it. IMHO, user.lib should be for *user* developed code, not add-ons, which is what OpenG really is.

    As a practical matter, it would also make my life a little easier. I develop on anywhere from 3 - 6 machines at one time. They are usually not networked, or not networked to each other. Therefore I have to manually xfer my user.lib between machines when I make any changes/updates. While I have a couple hundred functions I've developed myself over the years, about half of my user.lib is OpenG. So it gets copied back and forth along with the rest of my user.lib, doubling the transfer time. If OpenG were in the add-ons directory, I wouldn't have to touch it except when an actual update was available.

  2. I love my Prius and have had it for 5 years. I get ~45mpg, and that's after replacing the crappy OEM tires with something with actual traction. I'll have to replace the main battery eventually, I know, but there are tons of Prii out there with over 200Kmiles on the original battery.

    It seems like 1 in 10 cars on the road around here (Wash DC area) is a Prius, so there's no stereotype or stigma attached to it that I've noticed. I will admit I spent the first couple months trying to see how high I could get my mileage if I drove around the speed limit, didn't jump off the line at stop lights, etc. It was around 53mpg, but I eventually got tired of continuously being practically run over by all the aggressive drivers.

  3. 500 club : Ans to #2 is Tab-delimited ASCII.... lol :D...Thanks for u'r honest reply :)...

    I know NI's answer to #2. My answer would have been a CSV file. It's readable by anything, Excel included. And has the benefit that the character that is separating your data is obvious in any text reader. But that's just me...

    While we love to help here, we get a fair share of posts from people who don't want to learn, but just want us to do their school project for them. Sorry if I misunderstood your intent.

    • Like 1
  4. Hiya, Yep I did back-to-back tests with the LV2010 and LV2011 versions of lvsound2.dll and it does seem to be a new bug in LV2011 - I've reverted to using the old version of the api for now. Thanks Martin

    Have you reported it to NI? I was thinking about sneaking in a LV2011 upgrade while my boss wasn't looking, but maybe I'll wait. Considering the problems I've had with the sound vis in the past, I'm a little gun-shy on this topic.

  5. These are questions from the online CLAD example, and people have probably asked about it before. Do a search for "CLAD questions" or for the text of the question itself.

    My answer to #2 would be "none of the above". Good thing I've never taken the CLAD.

    Still curious why one would need reference material...

  6. I've also experienced TCP/IP issues with Windows 7. We haven't fully isolated the issue but an application we have that sends quite a bit of data over TCP/IP in Win7 experiences lots of problems but runs like a charm on XP. I also did some traces of the communications and the traffic pattern in the Win7 cases was very strange from a networking perspective, including unexpected TCP-RSTs.

    Hmm... yes, that's my concern -- that this isn't just a loopback problem.

    Thanks for the input. NI is working on this and I'll post here when they get back to me.

  7. No help, but some questions/comments:

    (Not to get too personal, but :P ) how large is your app? I don't know why something would have memory issues as an executable but not in source code mode. Does it fail immediately? Have you watched Task Manager to see what resources are being used? And FWIW, in the past when dealing with out of memory errors, I tried setting PAE and all the things you're supposed to do to make LV use more memory, and none of them worked very well.

    I think you have a good excuse for a brand new x64 machine!

  8. I love that book. I was young enough when I first read it that I was half-way through before I realized it was a philosophical treatise. What about it made you consider dropping out of college?

    Hmm. It's been a year or two (or 30!) since I read it. My vague recollection is there was some emphasis on hands-on, real world knowledge verses book learning. And plus I probably was looking for any excuse to drop out. :P

    I should probably reread it. Hopefully it won't inspire me to quit my job. :)

  9. When young I was very bad with author names so I may be wrong but I believe the author was "Kierkegard" that wrote about a knight. It was given to me by one of my philosphy professors (the one that used to room with Mel Brooks when young) when I was going through a rough time while trying to complete my degree while still being a single parent and the rest. It inspired me to complete my studies.

    It's a good thing you didn't come across "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", then. I read it while in college and it almost inspired me to drop out.

    I wonder what I did with that book?

    I've hidden "ZAMM" until after my daughter gets thru high school and college...

  10. Well. If they have difficulty with DLLs (SOs on linux) then kernel level drivers will slay them. The randrive.sys driver is no longer available in windows 7 (hope they weren't thinking of using it wink.gif ) but there are a few 3rd party solutions I think.

    One final thought. Turn off the nagle algo. It is known to play hell with things like games and it is known to silently introduce delays in packet sending through the loopback. It is off for my setups for this very reason, although I never saw 2 second delays.

    I'm the one setting up the ramdrive and had originally hoped to use ramdrive.sys. :rolleyes: The Unix guys got a little glassy-eyed about it until I told them not to worry -- it just looks like another disk to their code. The whole ramdrive thing was a step into the wayback machine for me. I haven't used one since my BASIC/MS-DOS days. I'm using RamDisk and so far it seems to be working.

    Disabling Nagle's algorithm is something I haven't tried yet, but only because it's supposed to be for optimizing small data packets, and 5MB isn't very small. But hey, I've tried everything else, I can try that, too.

  11. I know it's curing the symptom rather than the problem (and it will be blocking), but have you tried getting the C read and write stuff compiled into a DLL and using that instead? Just a thought to see if the specific problem goes away.

    What do NI say about it (after all it is repeatable by a number of people)?

    We thought about trying a dll, but none of the C programmers here are experienced with that sort of thing (they are all UNIX programmers and are having enough issues trying to deal in the Windows world) so we dropped it. We're going to write files to a ram drive. It's low enough datarate, plus the fact that all the data is available once a second and not spread out, makes that a pretty good option. Hopefully. :-)

    My next move is to kick this to NI, I guess. It's such a narrow issue -- I doubt many folks are doing loopback TCP in LabVIEW on a regular basis -- but my concern is that there's some underlying issue with LV that may affect other TCP functions.

  12. My windows TCPIP is highly modified from a standard install. It was the only way i could "reliably" get TCPIP transfer rates of up to 80 MB/sec. (Not in loop back; across the network). The sorts of things that were changed were the TCPIP auto-tuning, and Chimney Offload. Also had to play with the TCPIP Optimiser, but can't remember exactly what now. This was in addition to the TX buffers.

    I messed with all sorts of stuff when I was playing with buffer sizes. I haven't tried auto-tuning, since the point was to get my TCP buffers up and if you disable auto-tuning they can only go to 64kB. I did turn off heuristics which is supposed to keep Windows from changing the auto-tuning level to something much more restricted (I have it set at normal).

    And then there's always the fact that this works fine in C without having to change any settings...

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