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    LabVIEW 2021
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  1. What can be a possible block diagram to insert in labview? unfortunately I can't go on 🙏🏻
  2. Hi, I'm developing a project with a potentiometer and Measurement computing hardware (MC-200 usb) all connected to a barbell to give me the speed and position when going up and down. At the moment I can't create repeats. I should make an xy graph with the peak of position(y) and instead of having the time on (x) I should have the reps done. I am attaching a link of a video to explain myself better. (Minute 5.20) is it possible to recreate the same graph in labview? The file that vi. that I enclose is provided only with the position based on the time. How do I create reps with peak speed or position? proof_pot.vi
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