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  1. QUOTE(jccorreu @ Aug 2 2007, 10:26 PM) I pretty much agree. Actually, life is simple. Thing is we have this big quest to grasp everything with our intellect, which is limited. Religion, as I see, is a quest for the quest's sake. "as the pilgrim who learns to transcend - learns to live as if the step was the aim" wrote Rush's drummer and lyricist Neil Peart on "Time Stand Still". I am lucky enough to partake in a religion that makes use of Ayahuasca, a conscience expander. And yes, the "hard science" are now aware that there's no "outside observer". Carthesian Paradigm is crumbling down. But I came up with a hypothesis deemed to be ridicularized in scientifical circles: Love as the 5th dimension. In R^5 all knots are undone, as I was once told. And the ideal of each person having multiple knowledges is one I share. The segmented model we have now is another form of Labor Alienation, so that each will know a lot about one particular subject but nothing about the rest. That's the Industrial Revolution in Knowledge... For example, I dropped out of Engineering and started Geography, and I heard a lot of physical nonsense...
  2. QUOTE(alfa @ Aug 3 2007, 03:16 AM) Interesting point of view... The name for IT is: FASCISM !!! QUOTE(purehemp @ Aug 18 2007, 11:21 AM) Interesting point of view... The name for IT is: FASCISM !!! We are all animals. Denying it has been our greatest mistake, i.e. eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil; verbal communication, the tower of Babel... Last time I was sent to a mental institution, I was proposing the fifth dimension, wich is LOVE, Original Eros, Holy Ghost, Prana or whatever... I had heard from a friend of mine who's a mater-magician that in Knot Theory all knots are undone in R^5... So I had the idea of a pentadiensional universe. I sent a letter to another math-friend with this and other lunacies, which he never received... Now, this past july I was in Boston and was once again sent to the mental-health ward, in the Beth Israel Deaconess (part of Harvad Med .School - yes, I made it to the I.V. League...) and showed it to another patient, who told me that Stephen Hawkins was working on the Fifth Dimension... I know most of you won't believe it, but I swear on whatever you find sacred that is True.
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