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Su Nguyen Tien

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    LabVIEW 2022
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  1. Thank you very much for you reply. I really appreciate that.
  2. Hi All, I am trying to implement a Python script in LabVIEW to convert FITS file into visible image (JPG,PNG). My progress so far: 1. I am able to call a simple Python script and it runs perfectly (AddTwoDoubles). 2. I am able to download and display an image on Jupyter (see screenshot Result on Jupyter.png) 3. I downloaded Jupyter notebook file as Python file (FITS to JPG converter.py), trying to call it in LabVIEW (see snippet Call_python_script.png). My issues: 1. When I call the Python script without indicating a Function, LabVIEW gave me an error (error out.png) saying Function could not be found in the module. I wonder if I can just call the script without calling any function and the script can be executed thoroughly? 2. In case the script can be executed, how do I display plotted image in LabVIEW? Does anybody have experience or idea on this issue? Thank you for your time checking my post! FITS to JPG converter.zip
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