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xiongxinwei last won the day on February 26 2024

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    LabVIEW 2019
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  1. China's LabVIEW users are indeed more, most of them are concentrated in coastal areas, I think it may have something to do with China's huge manufacturing industry, factories inside a lot of test software are developed using LabVIEW.
  2. Google search engine not available in China😅
  3. Because of the globalization of trade, European and American companies to bring LabVIEW to China, in the past decade or so test equipment software are mainly developed using LabVIEW, but in recent years the situation is turbulent, reverse globalization, China's rising labor costs, resulting in a large number of European and American companies to withdraw from China, and at present NI's support is not good in China, resulting in many people do not look forward to the LabVIEW in the China's development.
  4. I think you're right, but the project is so huge and the source code is so bad to deploy that I don't think many people would use it even if it was open source. Right now only about thirty engineers in our company are using the framework.
  5. I know there are a lot of people re-development of test sequence software, I just want to find some like-minded people to discuss this type of software development issues, as for commercialization I do not dare to think about it now, at present, this framework is only one of my people in the development and maintenance.😀
  6. You're right, I do worry about nothing.
  7. I would like to ask for your opinion on the future development of labview, will it be replaced by other programming software in the test and measurement industry, such as C#, or Python.
  8. This toolkit does not rely on TestStand license, completely developed using LabVIEW.
  9. Hello,Hoover I'm glad you're interested in the kit. There are no restrictions on the use of this toolkit at this time, only an activation code is required to use it, I can provide the activation code if you want to test it out. There is no source code in this toolkit, it mainly contains an application (SequenceEditor) and a PPL (TestEngine) and some examples. There is no detailed documentation in English yet, but I can start by providing a simple usage document that shows you how to get started with the toolkit. Most of the features in this toolkit are designed to work with TestStand, so if you are familiar with TestStand, using this toolkit will be easy.
  10. I have developed a simple version of TestStand based on the common features of TestStand, here is the download link for this toolkit.
  11. Can anyone tell me what the difference is between these settings, and do the different settings affect the efficiency of program execution?
  12. 用Windows API指定要透明的颜色就可以了,例如你这个程序可以指定白色部分透明,运行程序的时候界面上就只会看到两个布尔控件。
  13. Undo and Redo implemented in the sequence editor I designed.
  14. I'm in charge of developing a sequence editor at my company, and I've noticed that the application I'm developing takes an unusually long time to start up taking about six or seven seconds, is it because I'm nesting too many actor in my program?
  15. Thanks, I've solved that problem.
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