Well said Chris (BTW - calumniative - thanks for the addition to my vocabulary )
I must agree with those who are not sure about the data on the increasing global temperature, and who are EXTREMELY apprehensive of those who claim certainty that it is anthropogenic.
How well have we characterized the effect of the varying radiance of that big ball of burning hydrogen in the sky?
How much of the snow melting in the Arctic and North America is due to increased soot deposits on the snow due to the increased coal burning in China rather than CO2 in the atmosphere?
Let us follow the "money trail" of those who are pushing these ideas. Are they concerned for the planet and our progeny, or have they found a new and profitable gig?
How many of the suggestions pushed by the IPCC and others lead to nothing more than bureaucracies funded by the UN to transfer money to lesser developed nations?
How many of those pushing these ideologies live lifestyles that are in conflict with them.
Al Gore won a Nobel prize for his championship of THE CAUSE. The IPCC calls global meat production the greatest threat to the earth because of the greenhouse gasses that it produces, yet he is still a self described "steak-aholic". He flies around the world in a private jet rather than with the "great unwashed" in a mass transit jet while telling us that we should ride our bikes to work.
I completely agree that we need to reduce the crap that we send into the ecosystem. I don't need data to tell me this is detrimental, and a bad idea.
The question is: How much of the furor is about the people who have a monetary stake in the "Green" process, and how much of it is really about anthropogenic global warming?
Al has found hisself a VERY profitable cause, and so have many in others. And they are profiting on evidence that is very disputable.
What exactly is the ideal temperature for the Earth? It has varied greatly over the millenia, and I am curious how we determined what the best one was. Which increases were natural and which were man made? And when did we find the thermostat? Is it controlled with LabVIEW? I'd like to checkout THAT VI!
Dismount from soapbox.