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Everything posted by V_T_S

  1. Couple of examples are under <>\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW <>\examples\general\menubars.llb -Vidula
  2. Try setting the - Scroll Position Property depending on the length of the String in your display window
  3. Hello. I'd like to use text indicator in my GUI. I have another VI will dumps the raw data continuously to this text indicator. This text indicator in my GUI has vertical scroll bar and displays only the last 1000 characters, the scroll position is always at the bottom. I want to add enable and disable scrolling feature to it When the scrolling is disabled I want the text indicator to stay where it is and not display any new data When the scrolling is enabled I want the text indicator to display all that data which has been accumulated after disabling the scrolling. I tried various options but nothing works the way I want. Any suggestions.
  4. This is TestStand example from National Instruments\TestStand 4.0\Examples\SequenceFileTranslators\LabVIEW\TextTranslator Attached the modified source code. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks, Vidula
  5. I am customizing the text to sequence file translator for my application. My application needs to call that recursively. Using this link I made the recursive call of text to sequence file translator http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/714...1E?OpenDocument While execution I am getting an Unknown System Error in TextLoadTypePalettes.vi. If I remove the recursive call it works fine. Any ideas? Thanks, Vidula
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