Some new feedback:
The contained VI "" destroys the file, "New..." dialog. And it looks like it is not needed. (It took some time to restore the original file...)
The dialog does not close when I click on another application while ctrl is pressed, release the ctrl key and return to LabVIEW, except when i press and release ctrl.I suppose to check the platform modifiers instead of the scan code in key up
and also in key down to close on esc, ...
And eventually check all 5 seconds if the VI is the front most
Please close all references. It probably does not change anything, but it looks better in “lv_new_vi Get User App”
and probably when calling a wizard. The reference can be closed because the window is open.
[*]I like VIPM packages. So I created one out of your code for easy installation for me. Unzip your code and the file in the attached file in the same directory. Then open the directory with the VI Package builder and create the package.
Short conclusion: I like this tool!
lv_new_file VIPM