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Chris Sebastian

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    LabVIEW 2023
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  1. Thank you for taking the time to reply, it is very much appreciated! I guess I naively did not consider this, I just assumed they would be written to be hardware agnostic! I suppose it does make sense though, given the business model of selling hardware and software. I think we will have to seriously consider our path forward, I have nothing against NI CAN hardware, we just already use Kvaser, Peak, and Vector tools and I really hate to add another one in the mix!
  2. @hooovahh I know this is an old thread, but there is not much info out there on this topic from what I can find! We are in a similar situation in that we would like to leverage some existing code (either from the ECU toolkit or now there is a VCOM toolkit) to parse a2l files and edit calibrations, but we would like to use Kvaser hardware instead of NI for the CAN communication. I have been able to download a trial of the VCOM toolkit, but it is password protected and so far it is unclear if the password protection is removed on purchase. I am not able to download the ECU toolkit, and so I am not sure if that is password protected also! We don't mind purchasing a toolkit and modifying it to work with Kvaser hardware, but I am not sure if that is possible and our distributor support has not been super helpful!
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