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Found 1 result

  1. We are looking at changing to Labview 2011 SP1. I thought I would spend a little time today trying it out, but noticed that there appears to be a problem with using the VISA calls to talk to the PCI bus. The version I am currently using is 2009 SP1. It uses VISA 4.6.2 The 2011 SP1 uses 5.1.1. it also installed NI-PXI Platform Services 2.6.2. Installing 2011 breaks my 2009 installs. If I roll back VISA, and others, I can get my 2009 to run again, but 2011 will still not run. I have used the wizard to recreated the files. The 2011 sees the driver, it just appears it can't talk with it. Interesting enough, the VISA calls were broke in 6.1 which forced me to upgrade to 8. I don't want to waste too much time on debugging it but would be interested in knowing if anyone else has this same problem. I did a search on NI's site and could not find anything in their knowledge base. Thanks
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