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Found 2 results

  1. I thought there was an easy, built in, VI server way of doing the following, but I haven't found one. Am I missing something trivial? So I have one application instance, spawning clones of a certain VI. I would like to get an array of the VI refs of all of these clones. I thought I could via some property like Application:All VIs in memory, but I haven't found any suitable. All VIs in memory gets only the base VI names. Missing that, I resort to register all my clones in a FGV as they startup, , and consult the FGV at will. Is there a more linear way? RegisterMovieWriters.vi I also note that I have to associate each VI ref with its clone name in the FGV, otherwise plain refs to different clones match as equal in lookups.
  2. I read Darren's excellent article about creating healthy Dialog box (http://labviewartisan.blogspot.ca/2014/08/subvi-panels-as-modal-dialogs-how-to.html) I thought using a dynamic call and selecting the option Load and retain on first call would prevent loading the subVI in memory when loading but not running the caller VI. I created a super light project to test it but didn't get the expected behavior: - If I don't open the Caller, I don't see any VI in memory (except for the VI that reads the VIs in memory of course). - If I open the Caller, I see both the Static Callee and the Dynamic Callee, whereas I expected to see only the Static Callee. Did I misunderstand how that option works? VIs in memory.zip
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