I have a TDMS file where I would like to log waveform data. But, I am only logging when certain conditions are met. This could result in some condition being met, then the condition going away, then coming back etc. For example, if I want to log when the RPM exceeds a value, I will start on this exceedance. But, maybe RPM drops back below a threshold so I stop logging. Now the RPM comes above the exceedance again, but if I log my waveform to the same channel, it doesn't account for this new t0. Does anyone have any thoughts on work arounds for this? I could make a "timestamp" channel and extrapolate out the timestamps from t0 and dt, but then I need a timestamp channel associated with each DAQ channel. I could have a channel of t0's where a property is the channel it's associated with and the start index of that data from within that channel, but all this is quite in depth. I have also thought about just making a new group or channel for each exceedance, but this could be confusing to the user if using the TDMS viewer. Is there a simpler way?