My colleagues and I use the Fit VI to Largest Decoration function in OpenG all the time, and it (usually) works like a charm.
I've got a fairly small Project, a simple State Machine that takes readings from a Vernier SensorDAQ device and plots it on a graph. I'm using a Queued State Machine pattern, so I begin by creating the State Machine Queue and enqueuing the Initialize State. The first thing I do inside Initialize is Fit VI to Largest Decoration, and it throws Error 1, pointing to the final FP.PanelBounds Property node that it is setting to resize the Window. I also watched this function run with Highlight Execution turned on, and sure enough, the Error line was OK until it got to that final Write to the Property node.
My initial suspicion was the SensorDAQ function, even though it hadn't been called. So I took it out, but the error persisted. I also tried making the Fit VI to Largest Decoration the first VI to be run -- same error.
Ohh, an idea. The VI in question was written by a colleague, who is not big on LabVIEW style. This morning, I rewrote the entire program, keeping only the Front Panel which has, among other things, a Graph on it. This problem is so weird that it almost has to be something "unconventional" -- I'm going to leave this post here, in case anyone has other insights, but I'm then going to replace the Front Panel and will report back, especially if it fixes the problem.
Bob Schor