Hey guys,
I'm trying to do some scripting on a Realtime-VI wich uses the FPGA Interface "Read/Write Control". I open a Reference to a VI containing a Read/Write Control, and when scrolling through the BD-Objects I find it with the class-name "nirviReadWriteControl".
I used the "to more specific class"-VI to check wich class i can cast it to, and i tracked it down to be child of the GObject->Node Class. But i can't cast it to any of the childs offered in the class specifier constant.
I also found out, that the "nirviReadWriteControl" is a xnode.
I have never worked with those, is there a way to access theyr methods (I think they're called "abilities" for xnodes)?
The goal of the application is to make the Read/Write Control display all available FPGA FP-Elements, and connect Controls/Indicators to them.
There is the same Problem with the "Open FPGA Reference"-Node (Classname "nirviOpenFPGA").
I really hope somebody dealed with the xnodes a bit and can help me programmatically controlling them!