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  1. I am not sure the best way to handle state in this scenario so I am looking for insight. I have some hardware, call it class A. Class A has some state. I have a status byte handler, call it class B. This status byte handler may be different depending on the command I sent, so I have a few Child Class Status Byte handlers. For example, a status byte may be an error we want to acknowledge, ignore, take some action etc depending on the command that was sent. So, I have set this up so class B can have a HandleStatusByte received method which can be overriden when necessary. But, it needs to set the state of class A. It feels like friendship is the proper relationship to allow the status byte handler method to set the state of the hardware class A. But for some reason I feel like there is a bit of a code smell here. Maybe it's just because I don't use friendship that often and I feel as if I have read some not-so-great things about it in LabVIEW in the past. Maybe I'm wrong? Anyways, what are other's thoughts?
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