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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I've decided to take the temperature on a known issue, that lvclass files retain knowledge of some of their old content after it's deleted. Proof For some reason I'm not allowed to upload lvclass files, so I'll describe it instead (using LV2014SP1): 1) Create a new class and save it on disk as class1.lvclass. No member data nor methods, file size on disk is 8 kB. 2) Add one piece of significantly sized (to easier see the issue) member data, I added a 1000x100 array of DBL (with random default data in it). Save the class again, and now class1.lvclass is 4604 kB (why so much, should be around 1000 kB?). 3) Delete all member data again and resave the class. File size on disk is now 1171 kB, I'd have expected 8 kB. 4) I can't ever get rid of that extra data in the lvclass file, not even when I "save as" to create a similar class. Questions A) What's the reason behind this issue? B) Is there any way to really delete stuff from a class file, or is the only way to recreate every class from scratch if you want something truly gone? C) Is there a list (perhaps internal to NI) of which problems this issue causes? Here I'm talking about stuff like this and numerous other threads about class data suddenly not being updated or member data or methods not being called correctly with DD. Cheers, Steen
  2. Hi all, I came across developing some custom step types in TestStand with LabVIEW code modules. My LabVIEW code module is architectured with LVOOP concept. But now I wonder how can I pass an LV Class object to TestStand for further use in other step types. Currently I managed to store it in a LV Global and use it later. But are there any other way? Regards, Mirash
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