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Found 1 result

  1. Does any one have an idea on how to password encrypt an Excel file (or csv) in LabVIEW or zip up the excel file/csv and add a password to it that way? I need to be able to add a simple encryption to confidential patient data files after they are created and be able open them to read later by the same program. I've tried using OpenG to add a password protection to a Zip file but when I try to add a string variable to the password connector it says password (none) so it makes me feel like I'm doing this wrong. I couldn't really find any similar documentation or tutorials on creating a csv or excel file then zipping up the file and adding a password to the zip with OpenG though I read about the function on the Labview forums. A few other things over I've tried recently: I think a solution would be to use some sort of property/ invoke node with ActiveX like I've attempted to do in the picture below but I can't find anything that explains exactly how property and invoke nodes work with ActiveX to achieve what I wanted, and I was hoping someone would have a tutorial that a LabVIEW beginner like me could use. Something else that I looked at was adding a "blowfish" encryption to encrypt the data but seemed extremely complicated and all I need is a simple password encryption. Finally I tried using an add on called AES crypto but I felt that the encryption methods that were featured in the add on were limiting. For patient names they would be at different lengths and in the example programs it showed that if a string was shorter than 128 bits then it would't be able to encrypt the string. Which is an issue if the patient has even a regular length name. If you have any thoughts or find anything useful let me know. Thanks, From a beginner usmanf
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